If you are caring for loved ones in their later years, you may wonder what to expect from end of life care. This type of health care helps relieve suffering and ensure high quality of life by addressing various needs.
What Does End of Life Care Mean?
This specialized care refers to medical attention and assistance for older people during their last weeks or months. A team of caring professionals works together to:
- Help your loved ones with daily necessities
- Provide aid for physical pain
- Address spiritual needs
- Manage emotional distress
- Set a comforting mood
What Does End of Life Care Include?
Hospice services coordinate family caregiving with professional assistance to support people during their final days, months or years. Hospice addresses the complete spectrum of needs to ensure the best possible living standard.
Palliative care works to alleviate pain for patients undergoing medical treatment and those no longer receiving curative aid, too. This specific medical attention focuses on offering relief from symptoms of serious illnesses. Doctors, specialists and nurses base the treatments on each patient’s needs.
Effective care for your older relatives includes both services to ensure comprehensive treatment and optimal comfort.
How Do You Address End of Life Emotional Needs?
Comprehensive care includes helping your loved ones manage their emotional discomfort. They may feel anxious, worried or depressed, or may experience varying emotions, with highs and lows along the way. Treating emotional suffering is vital. It is normal for you and your family members to feel upset sometimes. Some things that may help address those feelings include:
- A comforting atmosphere: This looks different for each person. You know best what things help ease their stress.
- Music therapy: Playing music at a low volume can improve mood, support relaxation, lessen pain and soothe fears. Music also helps older people remember things they may want to share with you.
- A quiet Space: Others may prefer to minimize noise and maintain a peaceful environment.
- Your presence: Sometimes, just sitting with family members relieves upsetting emotions.
- Physical contact: Connect with those you are caring for by holding their hands, providing gentle massages or other comforting touches.
- Listening: Your loved ones may have stories to share, wisdom to impart or fears to communicate. Ask questions to find out what might make things easier for them.
- Alone time: Some people may prefer a little time to themselves each day.
Why Are Spiritual Needs Important in End of Life Care?
Managing the emotions of their situation may involve seeking solace through faith. Reading religious materials, listening to spiritual music or talking with a leader in their religious community may help loved ones confront this time in their lives. Your relatives may also want to resolve issues with those close to them by discussing the importance of their relationships or sharing treasured memories.
Provide the Best Care for Your Loved Ones
The people you love deserve the highest quality care possible. At Olivenhain Guest Home, we offer exceptional and caring transition of life hospice care for your family members in need. Contact us today to determine how our community can help you navigate this challenging time.